Bathroom Honesty

River Girl Farm Company sells products I trust and use at home in a way that I believe is better for the planet. I’ve been working towards this for several years now, it certainly didn’t happen overnight. So, let’s not set huge, guilt-riddled goals in our approach to creating more sustainable households – it will only bring you down, at least that’s how I felt.

There are so many approaches you can take that won’t break the bank or your drive to become more sustainable. Be more conscious of how you grocery shop – don’t buy things that are in plastic and go for locally grown when possible. Change one household item at a time – buy glass soap dispensers and start refilling them instead of buying new plastic soap bottles, switch from paper towels in the kitchen to an eco-friendly alternative (like cloth towels you can wash and use again). Take it slow and let yourself adjust! And if you live with others, keep in mind that they may not adjust at the same pace as you.

And know this – even after years of changing your habits, you won’t be perfect or 100% “eco-friendly” all the time. I’ve noticed in my own household the bathroom products are a hard change to make, especially when the entire family is not ready to change their habits and product loyalty. One of my favorite body washes is the brand Jásӧn – I purchased in bulk many years ago and I’m still going through them. My plan once I get to the end of the last bottle is to start refilling it with the soap I have in stock at River Girl Farm Company. The plan is in place, no guilt trip needed.

I’d say we are about 50/50 in the shower!

My husband has his own brand loyalty in the shower - his shampoo choice of Head & Shoulders. I use shampoo and conditioner bars, but he is not a fan. Again, that’s okay, but I’m slowly trying to get him to move away from his favorite brand into a product that we can refill easily instead of buy new plastic bottles of. One step at a time, and sometimes it takes a couple tries to find something you actually like.

Again, we stand about 50/50 on the bathroom sink

I love my electric toothbrush, so I’d love to find new toothbrush heads that are made of more earth friendly material! You can also see the two different types of toothpaste. My husband really hates the feel and texture of the tablets, so he sticks to his tube. Flossing - we won’t be buying the plastic, single use kind anymore, but we have yet to find a brand that doesn’t break easily and get stuck between our teeth!

As you can see, not perfect! I’m always open to suggestions or new data. People are inventing new approaches to our daily habits all the time. Sometimes the new approach is simply reverting back to humanity’s roots. Many indigenous cultures and way of life had their own methods of hygiene that were natural and effective. Always do your research and understand that not everyone will have the same approach as you…and as you’ll hear me say repeatedly - that’s okay!


Reduce, Reuse, Replenish at RGFC


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