About Us

Keep things local

River Girl Farm has been a dream for the last decade. While it’s not exactly what I pictured, we all have to start somewhere! At the moment the “farm” is several garden beds in a Bay Area rental home. We have produce and flowers in their first season, and several active worm bins that provide us with fantastic soil amendments. You’ll also spot some of my home made items like soap, naturally dyed clothing, and more!

Check out our BLOG POST for more on our story or follow us on Instagram!

Meet the Owner

Hi, I’m Jessica, I was born and raised in Northern California with a curiosity for nature and animals from an early age. I originally wanted to become a Veterinarian, but ultimately found my way to agriculture instead. Going from a fascination of all animals into a life filled with plants has taught me a lot about how everything interacts within nature. Seeing the connection living things have with their surroundings made me realize I wanted to be part of it as sustainably as I could.

Where does the name River Girl come from?

Meet River

The namesake of this company - she was with me for 12 years and watched all the changes I’ve made in life. We said goodbye to our best River Girl in May of this year. She brought me so much joy in her lifetime, her energy and drive have been the foundational motivators for this company - which is why her name will live on forever into the future.

The Farmstand is currently open every Saturday from 8:00AM to 7:00PM

The Farmstand

While I don’t have a farm, I still offer what I grow to the public through my neighborhood farmstand. I am truly trying to live by the “keep it local” mentality by buying, selling, and trading within my own community. It’s good for the plants, it’s good for the people. If you live in the area, stop by the stand! You may catch me out in the front garden beds while the kids are napping.

We are located in the Lakewood Neighborhood in Sunnyvale.


If you’re interested in supporting our farmstand and staying in touch, please sign up for our friend email below!

Wondering what’s in season?